Ready to start Becoming Your Own Banker®?

You’re in the right place. From our bestselling book to our education-first approach, we are here to help you master the Infinite Banking Concept, as taught by Nelson Nash.

We’re not like the “other guys.”

Education First

Unfortunately, insurance companies teach their agents just enough about life insurance to get licensed and start making money. We are teachers first, agents second.

Lasting Support

We are in this for the long haul. We’ve got your back, today and 20 years from now. Your agent will partner with you to ensure long-term success.

Focus on Fundamentals

We lead with Infinite Banking, it’s not just some side feature for us–it’s our passion. If you want to change your financial life, you have to start in the right place.

Our Book

Our Amazon-bestselling book lays out the proven framework we use to guide clients on their path to true financial freedom.

Our Courses

Our 11-Part video course, Infinite Banking Step-By-Step, gives you the information you need to hit the ground running when you book a meeting with our team.

We are always producing more educational content to help you master your finances!

Our Process

The TRUTH Blueprint gives you everything you need to succeed, no matter where you are starting from.

Take Responsibility.

Reclaim Your Money.

Undo Your Debts.

Transcend Your Expenses.

Help Others.

What do our clients say about us?

  • “We came into some money recently from the sale of our house and didn’t want to just leave it sitting in a traditional bank. I had heard of the Infinite Banking Concept before but had never taken action on it. Luke is a friend of mine and he has chosen to dedicate his career to the idea and took the time to discuss it at length over the course of many sessions to help me better grasp the ins and outs. After several months of these discussions, independent research and countless questions answered, Luke developed a plan to get the ball rolling for us. We now have a place to store our windfall and use it as something that we can build upon for our future, as well as the future of our children all while replacing the banking function with commercial banks to one that we control.”

    Dan M.

  • “Changing your financial path the first time is pretty scary. There is no shortage of people trying to scare you back into the old way. Luke is the torch that helps keep their superstitions from derailing you and your goals. Sometimes we all need a positive knowledgeable guide.”

    Nick P.

  • “What can I say, except I am truly amazed at how Luke can put what seems to be complex terms into simple laymen understanding. He is a genius!”

    Maria P.

  • “Luke Tatum is one of the most upstanding men I know. He loves what he does and is fantastic at teaching it. Over the last couple of years he’s really opened my eyes to some powerful concepts that have really changed the way I think about the world. It’s an honor to do business with him and call him a friend.”

    Aaron N.

  • “Luke is the most well put together, down to earth, friendly, helpful and productive person I know. He put in the time to learn finance on his own to take care of his family’s needs and goes out of his way to help others learn and grow. I’m proud to call him my friend, and it would behoove you, dear reader, to help yourself to the knowledge and wisdom contained in his writings.”

    Aaron B.

  • “Luke was extremely helpful in putting our policy in place. Among celestial beings who provide financial services, his customer service skills are legendary. I especially appreciate his walkthrough of the policy when you video live with him because he is always ready and willing to help. It's like watching a YouTube walkthrough of the latest video game to find the cheats. Thank you once more, Luke! If you aren't already hooked, the book he sends you will blow your mind. Very patient and takes the time to go over your comments and concerns with you.”

    Marisa T. and Chris C.

  • “Luke is an extremely devoted person who works hard to find and share the truth in kindness. He thinks deeply not just about important issues, but about the core ideas behind them.”

    Jorge and Lauren L.

  • “Luke is awesome to work with. I have known him by working with him and personally. He REALLY wants to know his clients on a personal level and ensured that I knew I mattered. I even got a small gift on my birthday! He also ensured that I understood the material and understood what role he played so that we could both be successful.”

    Stephanie H.

Ready to take back control?